Monday, February 22, 2010

What Rebates?

Bret McCormick reports on Jacques thoughts on rebates in Inside City Hall: Rebate question in Alexandria is pressing and complex:

Residents who might be expecting rebate checks for several thousand dollars may be very disappointed.

Roy said he supports returning to the ratepayers any money they are owed, if that is what they want. It was their money to begin with, he says.

Roy says a better use of a settlement would be to invest it in the fuel savings projected in a seven-year energy contract worked out by the city and Cleco and now being vetted. Doing so would help all current ratepayers, but it might not satisfy people who were overcharged and are no longer city ratepayers.

Jacques can contradict himself in the same sentence. What is it? Are you for the rebates are not? But we are left wondering what rebates you are talking about. There isn't any money for rebates! How are you going to pay something you don't have? Like they say on ESPN, C'mon Man!