Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Robo Ro

TT: Thanks for agreeing to this interview.

Ro: I think this will be good for Alexandria.

TT: What will be good for Alexandria?

Ro: This interview.

TT: Uh, OK. Uh, so what are your plans as mayor?

Ro: Over the past six years you have given me the opportunity to serve our city as City Councilman At-Large. I believe in our city and the future growth which will make Alexandria prosper, through commitment, collaborative efforts our changes for a strong community will be great. Together we can continue to make a difference!

TT: What are your plans for future growth?

Ro: I'm going to focus on collaborative efforts.

TT: Can you elaborate?

Ro: No, not elaborate. I will collaborate. Co-lab-or-ate. Got it?

TT: Uh, OK. Got it. Yeah. Can you give me more details on your ideas about collaboration?

Ro: Yes, I can work with you to give you my ideas. That's what I'm about. Collaborate. Together we can continue to make a difference!

TT: Who's making a difference?

Ro: The collaborative.

TT: Right, but who are you collaborating with?

Ro: I will work with everyone. Together we can continue to make a difference!

TT: OK, OK, but what specific areas are you looking to collaborate?

Ro: With my leadership skills, commitment to this community, willingness to collaborate, and seeker of change for the betterment of Alexandria… my Vision, your Vision for our Great City can be Achieved.

TT: OK. Phew. Uh, do you have a publicist or media contact?

Ro: I enjoy collaborating, but I worked in television for 26 years, so I'm the media contact.

TT: Oh boy. OK. Well thank you for your time.

Ro: Any time.