The prognosis for FAS depends on the severity of birth defects and the brain damage present at birth. Mis-carriage, stillbirthor death in the first few weeks of life may be outcomes in very severe cases. Major birth defects associated with FAS are usually treatable with surgery. Some of the factors that have been found to reduce the risk of secondary disabilities in FAS individuals include diagnosis before the age of six years, stable and nurturing home environments, never having experienced personal violence, and referral and eligibility for disability services. The long-term data helps in understanding the difficulties that individuals with FAS encounter throughout their lifetime and can help families, caregivers and professionals provide the care, supervision, education and treatment geared toward their special needs.
Prevention of FAS is the key. Prevention efforts must include public education efforts aimed at the entire population, not just women of child bearing age, appropriate treatment for women with high-risk drinking habits, and increased recognition and knowledge about FAS by professionals, parents, and caregivers.
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