Things you do when Biology class is boring:
We never meant to elect a mi-ni May-or.
We never meant to cause ourselves any pain.
We only want to one day see you work-ing.
We on-ly want to see the levee hold-ing back the rain.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
We only want to see the lev-ee hold-ing back the rain.
We never wanted a part-ime lazy ass may-or.
We only wanted some kind of a manager.
Ba-rack, if you could steal our may-or.
It's such a shame our may-or is a liar.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
Hold the rain, hold the rain.
We on-ly want to see our May-or try to keep it sane.
Mayor, we know, we know, we know times are changing.
It's time we all reach out for something new,
That means you too.
We say we want a leader,
But you can't seem to make up your mind.
We think we'd better close it,
And let us guide you to where the levee drains.
Keep it sane, hold the rain.
Keep it sane, hold the rain.
If y'all know what we're signing about up here.
C'mon raise your ballot.
Keep it sane, hold the rain.
We only want to see the levee, only want to see the levee hold the rain.
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10 years ago