Von is grassroots. Von is not owned by powers. Have you seen Von's campaign contributions? Maybe some people measure a candidate by how much money she raises. Not Madiba. I want to know how hard that candidate works. I want to know if a candidate cares about what I say. I want to know that a candidate cares as much about what I have to say as a millionaire has to say. That's Von. She doesn't owe big favors to fat cat donors. Von is something different and new for Alexandria. This town needs some new blood. A new direction. The answer is Von. She doesn't drive a $60,000 Mercedes and she's ready to work for you. Just ask her.
louisiana cops give late ball asst police chief carl bordelon huge sendoff
no one will ever accuse wst... of being a pro-cop blog but to witness the
fantastic turn out to the funeral for late ball, louisiana, assistant
police chie...
10 years ago