Jacques, I saw the council meeting from last week when you totally put the beat down on Herbert Dixon! You know what? F*** Herbert Dixon! Who does Herbert Dixon think he is finding money and not giving you the credit! Who does Herbert Dixon think he is to try to help the people of South Alexandria and not giving you the credit! Who does Herbert Dixon think he is to say he would take either option and make you look like a verbose fool! Did I say f*** Herbert Dixon yet? He actually made it look like it was possible to do something positive for the people of South Alexandria. Doesn't he know that "those people" only count at election time and then they are to be promptly forgotten? Oh, that's my other line ringing. It's Oksana and I can't wait to completely trash her little gold digging *ss! Holla back later!
louisiana cops give late ball asst police chief carl bordelon huge sendoff
no one will ever accuse wst... of being a pro-cop blog but to witness the
fantastic turn out to the funeral for late ball, louisiana, assistant
police chie...
10 years ago